ireckonthat is a site for general musings on life the internet and everything. Sometimes, there might be a book review or something about a movie, other times there will be… other stuff. Maybe you might get a chuckle. Maybe you might learn something?
Mini Urban Tragedies is a photo blog documenting representations of mundane disasters. Think something seen on a wander around any given suburb (or, occasionally, a more rural location). Is this art? Perhaps this will become part of an arts course somewhere. One day.
The Munch Protocol is definitely my silliest blog. After making a strange looking bunch of Anzac biscuits, and friend and I came up with the idea of biscuit art (and before you say it, yes, it is all over the net. But this is my take on it) and started this blog. Total procrastination, really.
MelbourneGeek is a site for all things geek – technology, gaming, movies, all kinds of stuff. So far, Margaret’s main contributions have been film reviews, especially the mammoth effort during the last couple of Melbourne International Film Festival.
59secondstheblog started as a writing challenge to be writing some non-fiction on an almost daily basis. It is changing, but who knows what it is changing into? Stay posted.
Earlier this year, Hardie Grant Publishing started an online book group, and I was lucky enough to be involved as a reviewer. Things seem to have slowed down on this site for the moment, but you can find my reviews for Portia de Rossi‘s Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain and When Gods Collide by Kate James still online.